Can I edit the information on a referral once it has been sent?

Once a referral has been completed, confirmed, and sent to the receiving practice, the information on that referral cannot be changed. However, if you need to make updates, there are a few options available depending on how you are using Refera:

For Refera Dashboard Users:

  • Leave a Note on the Referral: If you are using the Refera Dashboard, you can add a Note to the referral. The receiving practice will be notified and can view the updated information.
  • Copy & Resend the Referral: You can copy the original referral, make any necessary changes to the new unsent copy, and then send it again. We recommend adding a note or making a quick phone call to the receiving practice to let them know to disregard the original referral.
  • Update Attachments: While the referral details themselves cannot be changed, attachments can be added at any time by both the sending and receiving practice.

For OneSlip Users (No Account Login):

If you are using OneSlip without logging into an account, we recommend calling the receiving practice directly to notify them of any necessary changes to the referral.

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